Linear Poisson equation

In this section, we'll demonstrate how to utilize Bramble.jl to solve a linear Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

Problem description

Let's consider the following Poisson equation on a $n$-dimensional square domain ($n=1,2,3$),

\[\begin{align*} - \Delta u (x) &= f(x), \, x \in \Omega \\ u(x) &= g(x), \, x \in \partial \Omega \end{align*}\]

where $\Omega = (a,b)^n$.

In order to have a working example of our Poisson problem we aim to solve, lets take $n=2$ and define

\[u(x,y) = e^{x + y}, \, (x,y) \in [0,1]^2\]

and calculate $f$ and $g$ accordingly.


The former problem can be discretized with finite differences based on a nonuniform grid. We will now detail the mathematical tools needed to formalize our discretization method.

Let us denote by $\Lambda$ a sequence of vectors $h=(h_{x_1}, h_{x_2})$, where $h_x = (h_{x,1}, h_{x,2}, \dots, h_{x,N_x})$, $h_y = (h_{y,1}, h_{y,2}, \dots, h_{y,N_y})$ and $h_{x,j}, h_{y,j} >0$. Let us denote by $h_{max}$ the maximum over all values of $h_{x,j}$ and $h_{y,j}$.

For each $h \in \Lambda$, we define the grid space

\[\overline{\Omega}_h = \set{(x_i, y_j) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x_0 = y_0 = 0, x_i = x_{i-1} + h_{x,i}, i=1,\dots,N_x, y_j = x_{j-1} + h_{y,j}, j=1,\dots,N_y }.\]

We also denote by $\partial \overline{\Omega}_h$, the subset of grid points corresponding to the boundary $\partial \Omega$. Built upon these grids, we introduce the discrete spaces of grid functions

\[W_h(\overline{\Omega}_h) = \set{u_h: \overline{\Omega}_h: \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}}\]

as well as $W_{h,0}(\overline{\Omega}_h) \subseteq W_h(\overline{\Omega}_h)$, its subspace of function zero at the boundary.

Finally, we introduce some notations for functions $u_h$ and $v_h$ in $W_h(\overline{\Omega}_h)$

\[(u_h,v_h)_h = \sum_{i=1}^{N_x}\sum_{j=1}^{N_y} |\square_{i,j}| u_h(x_i, y_j) v_h(x_i,y_j),\]

\[(u_h,v_h)_{+x} = \sum_{i=1}^{N_x}\sum_{j=1}^{N_y-1} h_{x,i} h_{y,j+1/2} u_h(x_i, y_j) v_h(x_i,y_j)\]

\[(u_h,v_h)_{+y} = \sum_{i=1}^{N_x-1}\sum_{j=1}^{N_y} h_{x,i+1/2} h_{y,j} u_h(x_i, y_j) v_h(x_i,y_j)\]

where $\square_{i,j} = \left[x_i-\frac{h_{x,i}}{2}, x_i+\frac{h_{x,i+1}}{2} \right] \times \left[y_j-\frac{h_{y,j}}{2}, y_j+\frac{h_{y,j+1}}{2} \right]$, $|\square_{i,j}|$ is its area and $h_{\cdot,i+1/2} = \frac{h_{\cdot,i}-h_{\cdot,i+1}}{2}$.

If $D_{-x}$ and $D_{-y}$ denote the standard backward difference operators defined on the grid points of $\overline{\Omega}_h$, then, we can formulate the following discrete problem:

find $u_h \in W_h(\overline{\Omega}_h)$, with $u_h(x_i,y_j) = u(x_i,y_j)$ on $\partial \overline{\Omega}_h,$ such that

\[(D_{-x}u_h, D_{-x}v_h)_{+x} + (D_{-y}u_h, D_{-y}u_h)_{+y} = ((g)_h, v_h)_h, \, \forall v_h \in W_{h,0}(\overline{\Omega}_h).\]

Here, the $(\cdot)_h$ operator is defined as follows

\[(g)_h (x_i,y_j) = \frac{1}{|\square_{ij}|} \iint_{\square_{ij}} g(x)\, dxdy.\]

This defines a discretization that can be seen both as a finite difference and finite element method. It can be shown that under certain smoothness assumptions on $f$ and $g$, the former problem has a unique solution $u_h$ such that

\[\Vert R_h u - u_h \Vert_{1h} \leq C h_{max}^ 2,\]


\[\Vert v_h \Vert_{1h} = \sqrt{\Vert v_h \Vert_{h}^2 + \Vert D_{-x} v_h \Vert_{h,x}^2 + \Vert D_{y} v_h \Vert_{h,y}^2}\]


\[\begin{aligned} \Vert v_h \Vert_{h} &= \sqrt{(v_h,v_h)_h},\\ \Vert D_{-x} v_h \Vert_{h,x} &= \sqrt{(D_{-x} v_h, D_{-x} v_h)_{+x}},\\ \Vert D_{-y} v_h \Vert_{h,y} &= \sqrt{(D_{-y} v_h, D_{-y} v_h)_{+y}}. \end{aligned}\]


We can now use Bramble.jl to calculate $u_h$. As with any Julia package, we start by importing Bramble.jl and a few other packages we will need down the line

using Bramble
using LinearSolve       # solvers for linear systems
using IncompleteLU: ilu # incomplete LU for preconditioning

We start by building a grid associated with the Poisson equation's domain, as well as, the solution (to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions) and the equation's right hand side g.

I = interval(0, 1)
Ω = domain(I × I)
Ωₕ = mesh(Ω, (10, 20), (true, false))

The first two lines create a domain object, while the third generates a mesh with 10 and 20 points along the x and y directions, respectively. The last input argument encodes that we want a uniform grid in the x axis and random generated points in the y axis.

We now move on to prepare and define functions f and g associated with the problem as BrambleBareFunction. This is a needed step to prepare these function to work well the the internal machinery of Bramble.jl:

sol = @embed(Ωₕ, x -> exp(sum(x)))
rhs = @embed(Ωₕ, x -> -2 * sol(x))

The next line of code builds a marker structure with the information the equation has a Dirichlet boundary condition over the boundary of Ωₕ (the whole boundary is the default option) defined by function sol.

bc = dirichletbcs(sol)

We now build the gridspace and define the linear and bilinear forms associated with the discrete variational problem presented. We create the discrete space with

Wₕ = gridspace(Ωₕ)

and move on to define the bilinear form and assembling the associated matrix

bform = form((uₕ, vₕ) -> inner₊(∇₋ₕ(uₕ), ∇₋ₕ(vₕ)), Wₕ, Wₕ)
A = assemble(bform, bc)

In this case, we provide to the assemble function the information on boundary conditions in order to have this information encoded in matrix A.

Next, we create an element in the gridspace whose components are calculated with the averaging operator introduced before

uₕ = element(Wₕ)
avgₕ!(uₕ, rhs)

We now define the linear forms associated with the right hand side

lform = form(vₕ -> innerₕ(uₕ, vₕ), Wₕ)
F = assemble(lform, bc)

and assemble vector F. The solution of the linear system Ax=F will provide the components of vector uₕ, solution of the discrete variational problem. To solve the system, we use GMRES (package LinearSolve.jl) preconditioned with an incomplete LU factorization as precondition (package incompleteLU.jl)

prob = LinearProblem(A, F)
solₕ = LinearSolve.solve(prob, KrylovJL_GMRES(), Pl = ilu(A, τ = 0.0001))

uₕ .= solₕ.u

and calculate the solution. If we want to calculate the error associated with this approximate solution (w.r.t norm₁ₕ), we can follow with

F .= uₕ
Rₕ!(uₕ, sol)
uₕ .-= F


We can even use GLMakie to plot the solution

using GLMakie

x = points(Ωₕ(1))
y = points(Ωₕ(2))

reshaped_uₕ = reshape(uₕ, 10, 20)

fig = Figure(size = (1200, 800))
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], aspect = 1)
ax2 = Axis3(fig[1, 2], aspect = (1, 1, 1),
      perspectiveness = 0.5,
      elevation = π / 3.5,
      azimuth = 0.1π)

wireframe!(ax1, x, y, reshaped_uₕ) # mesh plot
surface!(ax2, x, y, reshaped_uₕ)   # solution plot

Mesh and approximate solution plots with GLMakie

or export it to a vtk format to visualize, for instance, with Paraview.

export_file = "surf"
vtk_grid(export_file, x, y, z) do vtk
    vtk["poisson"] = vis_uₕ
